Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Angelo, Internet Safety Post

11:17 AM Posted by Miguel® , No comments
This is my first post.

Talent show Cyber Bully 

1. Bullying
2. Mean
3. Abuse
4.  Don't be a cyber bully
5.  Don't be a bully

Bulletin Board 

1. Think before you post
2. Think before you say
3. Be careful
4. You have no privacy online
5. Keep it to your self 

Words Hurt

1. Don't say anything bad
2. Don't be a bully
3. Think before you say
4. Stand up for them
5. Don't be a bystander 


1. Don't talk behind their back
2. Don't be mean
3. Don't say it online if you dont want
4. Words hurt
5. Don't be a cyberbully


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